facts & proofs
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Here is another amazing example of proof, that only God could have authored the Bible........

DID YOU KNOW........

No matter how deeply you look into the Bible itself
There is constant amazing revelations of proof
that ONLY GOD could have constructed such perfect writings
and here's another example:

What does that mean?

as a tree produces fruit on it's limbs--
the fruit is evidence or proof that the tree is healthy & growing correctly

As Christians, we have accepted the Lord into our lives and hearts,
so then, when we put the Lord Jesus Christ first
and foremost in our lives & in our minds-
we are healthy and produce fruit --the fruit or characteristics of
the Holy Spirit that guides us.

There are 9 fruit of the Spirit listed in the Bible

They are found in the Ninth book of the Bible


also take a look a little further....

5 + 2 + 2 = NINE!

Just by chance? Coincidence? or is it proof of
just how deep are God's ways down to every detail

What does Galations 5:22 say are the nine 'Fruit of the Spirit' ?

- Gal 5:22 "but the fruit of the spirit is LOVE, JOY, PEACE, LONGSUFFERING, GENTLENESS, GOODNESS, FAITH, MEEKNESS, TEMPERANCE: against such there is no law."





What is essential for a tree to grow and to produce fruit?
The Sun

What is essential for us to have in order to produce fruit?
The Son

What else does a tree need to grow?

What else for you and I?

John 7:38
" Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said,
streams of living water will flow from within him."

From where does a tree grow?
In good soil which provides the nutrients it needs grow healthy

From where do we grow?
Our nutrients come from God's Word - The Bible
It is the constant supply of rich nutrients that
we need in order to grow
healthy and produce the fruit of the Spirit


Put your roots into The Bible--
through reading Gods Living Word and prayer
you will
receive the rich nutrients needed
to grow and produce healthy fruit.

The more you put God first - the more abundant the Fruit of the Spirit will be in your life

Look into God's Word.....there's so much more there than you know!

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