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The message of a redeeming Savior is found throughout Scripture
in every book of the Bible.
He is called by many names of description.
Here is an interesting list in order from Genesis to Revelation

Seed of Abraham ------ Gen 12:3

Passover Lamb ----- Ex. 12:3

Anointed High Priest ----- Lev.8:7-9

Star of Jacob ----- Num.24:17

Prophet Like Moses ----- Deut.18:15

Captain of the Lord's Hosts ----- Josh.5:14

Messenger of Jehovah ----- Judg.2:1

Kinsman-Redeemer ----- Ruth 2:1

Great Judge ----- 1Sam.2:10

Seed Of David ----- 2Sam. 7:13

Lord God of Isreal ----- 1Kings 8:15

God Between the Cherubim ----- 2Kings 19:15

God of Our Salvation ----- 1Chron 16:35

God of Our Fathers ----- 2Chron.20:6

Lord of Heaven and Earth ----- Ezra 1:2

Covenant-keeping God ----- Neh.1:5

God of Providence ----- Esther 4:14

Our Risen Redeemer ----- Job 19:25

Good Shepherd ----- Ps. 23:1

Wisdom of God ----- Prov. 8:35

One Above the Sun ----- Eccles 7:11

Altogether Lovely One ----- Song of Sol. 5:16

Silent Lamb ----- Isa. 53:7

Lord Our Righteousness ----- Jer. 23:6

The Fourth Man in the Fire ----- Dan. 3:25

Redeemer From Death ------ Hos.13:14

Giver of the Spirit ----- Joel 2:28

Lord God of Hosts ----- Amos 4:13

Destroyer of the Proud ----- Obad. 1:8

God of the Second Chance ----- Jon. 3:1

Bethlehem's Child-King -----Mic. 5:2

Bringer of Good Tidings ----- Nah.1:15

Anointed One ----- Hab. 3:13

King of Isreal ----- Zeph. 3:15

Sun of Righteousness ----- Mal. 4:2

King of the Jews ----- Matt.2:2

Servant of the Lord ----- Mark 9:35

Son of Man ----- Luke 9:56

Ascended Lord and Christ ----- Acts 1:9

The Lord Our Righteousness ----- Rom.10:4

Our Resurrection ----- 1Cor.15:52

God of All Comfort ----- 2Cor 1:3

Christ Our Freedom ----- Gal. 5:1

Head of the Church ----- Eph. 1:22

Exalted Lord ----- Phil.2:9

Fullness of the Godhead ----- Col 1:19

Coming Lord ----- 1Thess.1:8

Flaming Fire ----- 2Thess. 1:8

Our One Meditator ----- 1Tim.2:5

One Who Stands With Us ------ 2Tim 4:17

Our Great God and Savior ----- Titus 2:13

Payer of Our Debt ----- Philem.1:18

Author of our Salvation ----- Heb. 2:10

Coming One ----- James 5:7-8

Chief Shepherd ----- 1Pet.1:17

Lord of Glory ----- 2Pet. 1:17

Word of Life ----- 1John 1:1

Son of the Father ----- 2John 1:3

The Truth ----- 3John 1:4

Only Wise God ----- Jude 1:25

Alpha & Omega ----- Rev.1:8

Where there is a sinning people, a loving God provides a redeeming Savior.

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have ever lasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved."
(John 3:16-17)

Immediately after Paul wrote that
"all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,"
he spoke of our
"being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus" (Rom. 3:23-24)

Referring to Jesus Christ, the apostle said,
"In Him we have redemption through His blood,
the forgiveness of sins"
(Eph. 1:7)

He told the Colossian believers,
"In Jesus we have redemption through His blood,
the forgiveness of sins"
(Col. 1:14)

The writer of Hebrews said,
"Not with the blood of goats and calves, but with His own blood, He (Christ) entered the Most Holy Place once for all, having obtained eternal redemption"
(Heb. 9:12)

This message of a redeeming Savior is seen throughout Scripture and in every book of the Bible.

(source material for this page: ' How You Can Know the Bible is True ' -Woodrow Kroll 1994 NKJ)

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