Amazing Bible Facts of proof an d evidence of scripture through interesting facts and information
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We will try not to make this writing too dry and long winded.
Although this is a HUGE topic with so much evidence and information
there is no way we could even begin to cover it here
There are many websites and books dedicated to this subject
that can take you further into specifics and offer more insight
We have provided links to some great sites at the bottom of this page


First, we know the Old Testament scripture was written over 1,600 years before Christ. We have existing manuscripts actually written centuries before Jesus.

Above: One of the Dead Sea Scrolls - some pages from the Book of Psalms

Over thousands of years and forty different men from kings to fishermen who lived in different times and different places wrote 66 books that make up the Bible.

The Bible as a whole is consistent as each entry coincides with another; similar words, visions, patterns and so on--no human being could have put together such a masterful writing. The further you look into the Bible, the more proof you will find that there is but one author that inspired it all.

2Timothy 3:16 declares, "..all scripture is God breathed." The authors of the Bible claimed that they were not writing of themselves or to glorify themselves, but that they were writing the words of God himself. One can see that they were all lead to write in a cohesive and consistent pattern that shows that the Bible was recorded by man but inspired by God himself.

The Bible contains many scientific insights written thousands of years before science discovered the facts.

Only in the last few centuries have scientific discoveries literally proven the Bibles insights in physics, medicine and other fields.

For example, in the Old Testament, God instructed the Israelite people on the importance of being clean. He told them they must wash and the way they must wash. He told them that if they were dirty (unclean, sick, diseased) that they had to tear their clothes and pronounce to everyone around them that they are not clean so that no one would come near them. (so as not to spread disease).

The Isrealites did not understand at all why they were to do this, but they obeyed and followed God's instructions. We know now, that germs and disease can be started and/or spread through uncleanness and can be spread from one person to another. But in these times, it had to have been true instruction by God himself for these things to be outlined and directed to the people. They had no knowledge or understanding of such things as germs or quarantining or spreading of disease whatsoever.

The entire chapter of Leviticus 13 in the Old Testament of the Bible discusses diseases and illness, and means of diagnosis and cure:
"The person with such an infectious disease must wear torn clothes, let his hair be unkempt, cover the lower part of his face and cry out, 'Unclean! Unclean!' As long as he has the infection he remains unclean. He must live alone; he must live outside the camp."
This is what we have adapted even today: quarantine of one who is sick, and even covering our mouths so as not to spread germs.

The Bible contains over 600 specific, historical prophecies - all precisely fulfilled and verified by a variety of historical records. The list of prophecies includes exact description of amazing events. Prophecies also foretell names of people in key roles and even predicts exact years and days of some of the most important Biblical events... hundreds of years in advance.

Example: in sight of recent events in New York on September 11, 2001.
Look at this Scripture and it's wording:

"... in the day of the great slaughter, when the towers fall." Isaiah 30:25

"A day of the trumpet and alarm against the fenced (protected) cities, and against the high towers." Zephaniah 1:16; 3:6

Both of these Scriptures are referring to the 'end days' and the events thereof. One can not deny the events surrounding the terrorist attacks resulting in the twin towers falling in New York were a major significant turning point for the entire world--nor can one deny the exact mention of 'high towers' or 'falling towers' in scripture itself.


When speaking of prophecy; your mind may drift you off for a moment to one well known man in history that is not in the Bible - Nostradamis, the famous predictor of events....but it is fact that Nostradamis not only closely studied the Bible's prophecies, but he would seclude himself in a dark basement lit by one candle to meditate. He would spend hours staring into a mirror and send himself into purposeful trances...then he would write out his predictions. This strange behavior led him to add to Biblical prophecies and create many of his own predictions to the ones already layed out in the Bible...and in turn, his predictions were not accurate to 100 %. Some of his predictions have passed by where the events never unfolded at all.

It is proven however, that the Bibles prophecies have been 100% accurate with no errors.

Unless something is 100% accurate, it must be discluded and is a unreliable resource for truth.

History and archaeology continue to confirm the Divine prophecies, people, places and events in the Bible.

There have been many studies, archeological digs and explorations that have all yielded the same result--the Bible is accurate to the very core.

Dr. Nelson Gluek, a Palestinian Archeologist, said in his publication, 'Rivers in the Desert', "As a matter of fact, however, it may be stated categorically that no archeological discovery has ever contradicted a Bible reference. Scores of archeological findings have been made which confirm in clear outline or in exact detail historical statements in the Bible."


Recommended sites: - archeology and the Bible

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